Playing with OMDb API

John Zhang
2 min readJan 27, 2021


Yeah you read that title correctly and no it’s not a typo. OMDb that’s right. And for reasons unbeknownst to the differing names (maybe it’s not managed IMDb), it is indeed an API that uses information from IMDB, the movies/tv shows database that many people use.

Using the API was pretty much painless, it jsut required a registration at their website:

Signing up only requires your life and soul but virtually harmless. After following their procedure you will be provided with an Api key. Please note that this api key has a limit of 1000 daily uses. If that is not enough, you can donate to their patreon for unlimited uses (? I didn’t look into it, 1000 uses was more than enough for me).

Next is the link to fetch from. Now type the following into your URL bar api key)&s=Avengers and remember to replace the (your api key) with your api key. You should end up with something like this:

Next is all up to you on what to do with this information. I made an app that specifically stores movies as nominees using a Ruby on Rails back end and a ReactJs front end. It looks like this:

I intend to make another app using this API create a more comprehensive app to keep track of what I have watched and want to watch. I’m sure more ideas on how to surface as I work on this. If you have any ideas, please comment down below. Thanks for reading.

